Unplanned pregnancy, Options, Pregnancy Options, First Place Options


Unplanned pregnancy is a sensitive issue that we, at First Place Options, handle with extreme love and care. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can cause you to feel unsure and even overwhelmed. We aim to support you as you process your thoughts and feelings. We offer you a safe space to explore and be fully informed about all of your options: abortion, adoption and parenting.

Unplanned Pregnancy Support

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel very isolating and lonely, but there is support.

When finding out that you are unexpectedly pregnant, you may not be ready to tell your friends, family or partner. Knowing that you are not alone as you process this news and all of the thoughts and emotions that come with it can be very helpful and will reduce the amount of stress and overwhelm you are experiencing. The counsellors at First Place Options can provide you the support and space that you need as you process your unplanned pregnancy. 

Our Pregnancy Options Support offers information and unconditional support. Our experienced counsellors will support you in making an informed decision based on your values and the knowledge you need to make the decision. We will encourage you to take your time to make a decision.

At your initial appointment, your options will be discussed and you will gather information to empower you to make your own choice. We will meet with you as many times as you need. 

Every step of the way we will take into account your personal situation and needs.  Our counselling is designed to place you in a position of strength and empower you to make an informed choice regarding your pregnancy. It is your pregnancy and your decision. At First Place Options, we are committed to providing you with care and emotional support regardless of your choice.

All support is offered free of charge, both virtually or in person. You don't need to walk this journey alone, reach out today for support. 

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What Are My Options For Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, you have three options: 

How to Cope With Unplanned Pregnancy 

Coping with an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and scary. It is important to allow yourself the time that you need to process this surprising news. You will need to take some time to let the news sink in and then to process your options. Some are able to make a decision in a few days while others need weeks to process their situation and pregnancy options. 

If you are unsure about what you want to do, it is a good idea to think through all of your options: abortion, adoption and parenting. What would life look like if you chose each of these options now, in 10 months and in 10 years down the road? How would you feel about your decision at those points in time. Spend at least a day sitting with and contemplating one of the options to experience what choosing that option may be like for you. The next day, pick a different option and the third day the last option.

Without considering all of your options and gathering the information you need to make an informed decision, you may have possible regrets in the future. A decision that is made quickly is not always the best decision for you to make.

While processing your unplanned pregnancy take some intentional breaks from thinking about what you are going to do. Taking a walk, going out with a friend, watching a funny movie or doing some other nurturing activity, will give your mind and body a rest. Self-care is always important, but it is especially important in stressful times.

It is also very helpful to have someone to talk to while you decide what you want to do. This could be the support of your partner, family, friends or a counsellor. Many of our clients have found it helpful to have the support of a non-judgmental third party. Someone who does not push their opinion on you but gives you the space to work through your thoughts and emotions regarding your unplanned pregnancy. The counsellors at First Place Options are experienced in supporting you through this processing, in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Book a free appointment today.

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

At your pregnancy options appointment, your First Place Options counsellor can help you to know how to tell your partner if you haven’t already done so. If you fear that your partner may act aggressively (whether verbally or physically) when you tell them, it is a good idea to tell them in a public place or to have a friend with you if the place is not public.

In preparation for telling your partner about your unplanned pregnancy, it can be helpful to think through the when, where and how you want to tell them. 

WHEN - try to choose a time when both of you are not distracted or have somewhere that you need to go immediately afterwards. If your partner happens to be upset about something unrelated to your pregnancy at the time when you were going to disclose your pregnancy, delay the conversation until your partner is calmer.

WHERE - if you are not concerned about an aggressive reaction from your partner, it can be helpful to choose a private place where you are not being watched and you both feel you can be yourselves. As mentioned previously, if an aggressive reaction is a possibility when your partner finds out that you are pregnant, don’t be alone with them when you disclose your pregnancy.

HOW - many women find it helpful to practice what they want to say before telling their partner. This will help to reduce the risk of forgetting what you want to say and beating around the bush. Click here to read more tips on How to Tell Your Partner About Your Unplanned Pregnancy.




Some women believe abortion is their best and only option. Others are unsure or feel pressured by family, friends, and others to consider abortion. Here are a few things to think about when considering an abortion.



Adoption may be a positive option for you and your baby if you find yourself financially, emotionally, or otherwise unable to parent. However, we recognize that choosing adoption is not an easy decision.



Being a parent can be one of life’s most rewarding, yet challenging experiences. Although the timing and your current situation may not be what you pictured, your pregnancy still offers you the opportunity to experience the joy of becoming a parent.